[Conseils d'utilisation] fr.rec.jeux.divers
(trop ancien pour répondre)
2004-12-17 10:46:47 UTC
Archive-Name: fr/chartes/rec.jeux.divers

= Conseils d'utilisation du groupe fr.rec.jeux.divers =

Nom : fr.rec.jeux.divers
Statut : non modéré
Description : Discussions diverses sur les jeux.
Date de création : xx/xx/xxxx

1 - Charte originale :

fr.rec.jeux.divers est un forum non modéré consacre à la discussion en
langue française sur les jeux ne possédant pas de groupes spécifiques.

2 - Conseils d'utilisation :

2.1 - Les thèmes abordés dans fr.rec.jeux.divers

Tous les jeux ne possédant pas de groupes spécifiques ont leur place dans

Ceux possédant leurs propres groupes sont à BANNIR de ce forum.

Les discussions sur des jeux se présentant à la fois sur support
informatique et 'normal' ont leur place sur fr.rec.jeux.divers à l'
unique condition que l'aspect discuté est présent sous ces 2
présentations (Voir les Erreurs fréquemment commises.)

2.2 - Le format des messages

Il est bon d'adopter un flag dans le titre du message quand on parle
d'un Jeu en particulier ([Bridge], [Go], [Abalone], [Wargames],...).
Afin de permettre aux autres joueurs de retrouver d'un coup d'oeil les
messages les intéressant.

Les messages ne doivent pas contenir de binaires (ils seront de toute
façon systématiquement supprimés par les robots responsables de la
propreté de la hiérarchie fr.*).

2.3 - Erreurs fréquemment commises :

fr.rec.jeux.divers n'est PAS le groupe à utiliser pour parler de jeux
vidéos, de jeux de rôles ou de jeux de cartes qui possèdent leurs groupes

Si une discussion est crosspostée sur plusieurs groupes, il convient de
régler un 'Followup-To' (Suivi de discussion) sur le forum le plus

Les discussions sur des problèmes spécifiques au portage d'un jeu non
vidéo sur support informatique (installation, interface, compatibilité,
etc...) sont à réserver au groupe adéquat : fr.rec.jeux.video .

3 - Informations annexes :

3.1 - Les autres ressources de Jeux sur Usenet

Des groupes ayant les jeux comme sujet sont disponibles (en anglais)

- dans la hiérarchie générale sous la branche rec.games.*

- les hiérachies régionales possèdent souvent des branches

3.2 - Les autres groupes de jeux disponibles dans fr.*:
(Si ils sont disponibles, reportez vous à leurs "Conseils d'utilisation"
disponibles dans fr.usenet.reponses)

- fr.rec.jeux.cartes
est un forum sur les jeux de cartes qu'ils soient
traditionnels (Bridge, Belote, Manille, Réussiste...) ou
qu'il s'agisse de jeux dit jeux de cartes a collectionner
(Magic, Netrunner, Darkage, Spellfire, etc...).

- fr.rec.jeux.jdr
est un newsgroup concernant les jeux de rôles exclusivement.
Les jeux de types Magic, les Wargames ou le paintball n'y ont
pas leur place.

- fr.rec.jeux.video
est un newsgroup concernant les jeux vidéo exclusivement.

Le crosspost entre ces différents groupes est FORTEMENT déconseillé car
leurs sujets sont exclusifs.

4 - Conclusion :

Pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur les "Conseils d'utilisation",
vous pouvez vous reporter au message intitulé "A propos des Conseils
d'utilisation" posté dans fr.usenet.reponses et fr.bienvenue.
Pour toutes autres informations et/ou pour débuter sur Usenet, vous
devriez consulter ces deux groupes et visiter le site web qui a été mis
en place à http://usenet-fr.news.eu.org/fr-chartes/ .

Nous espérons que ces informations et conseils contribueront à
la qualité des échanges dans les forums de discussion, dans
l'intérêt et pour le plaisir de tous les lecteurs et auteurs.
2004-12-25 19:18:00 UTC
after all, you have to be careful - Sicilians are touchy about their young
family members...

6 newborn or veal cutlets
Tomato gravy (see index)
4 cups mozzarella, 1cup parmesan, 1cup romano
Seasoned bread crumbs mixed with
garlic powder
chopped parsley
eggwash (eggs and milk)
Peanut oil for frying.

Pound the cutlets.
Dredge in flour, eggs, then the bread crumb mixture.
Fry till golden brown in 350° peanut oil.
In a baking pan, place a layer of gravy,
then one of meat, gravy, and cheese.
Another layer each of meat, gravy, and cheese.
Then bake at 350° for 45 minutes.
Serve on hot pasta with romano cheese.

Southern Fried Small-fry

Tastes like fried chicken, which works just as well.
In fact you may want to practice cutting up whole chickens
for frying before you go for the real thing.
Whole chicken is much more efficient and inexpensive than buying pieces.

1 tiny human, cut into pieces
2 cups flour
Onion, garlic
garlic powder
cayenne pepper
hot sauce, etc.
Oil for frying

Mix milk, eggs, hot sauce in a bowl, add chopped onion and garlic.
Season the meat liberally, and marinate for several hours.
Place seasoned flour in a paper or plastic shopping bag,
drop pieces in a few a time, shake to coat thoroug
2004-12-25 18:26:06 UTC
pepper, celery
œ cup wine
Root vegetables of choice (turnips, carrots, potatoes, etc) cubed

Make a crust from scratch - or go shamefully to the frozen food section
of your favorite grocery and select 2 high quality pie crusts (you
will need one for the top also).
Boil the prepared delicacy until the meat starts to come off the bones.
Remove, de-bone and cube; continue to reduce the broth.
Brown the onions, peppers and celery.
Add the meat then season, continue browning.
De-glaze with sherry, add the reduced broth.
Finally, put in the root vegetables and simmer for 15 minutes.
Allow to cool slightly.
Place the pie pan in 375 degree oven for a few minutes so bottom crust is not soggy,
reduce oven to 325.
Fill the pie with stew, place top crust and with a fork, seal the crusts together
then poke holes in top.
Return to oven and bake for 30 minutes, or until pie crust is golden brown.

Sudden Infant Death Soup

SIDS: delicious in winter, comparable to old fashioned Beef and Vegetable Soup.
Its free, you can sell the crib, baby clothes, toys, stroller... and so easy to
procure if such a lucky find is at hand (just pick hi
2004-12-25 18:40:07 UTC
are still paranoid, you can substitute pork butt.

5 lb. lean chuck roast
3 lb. prime baby butt
2 tablespoons each:
black, white and cayenne peppers
celery salt
garlic powder
parsley flakes
brown sugar
1 teaspoon sage
2 onions
6 cloves garlic
bunch green onions, chopped

Cut the children?s butts and the beef roast into pieces
that will fit in the grinder.
Run the meat through using a 3/16 grinding plate.
Add garlic, onions and seasoning then mix well.
Add just enough water for a smooth consistency, then mix again.
Form the sausage mixture into patties or stuff into natural casings.

Stillborn Stew

By definition, this meat cannot be had altogether fresh,
but have the lifeless unfortunate available immediately after delivery,
or use high quality beef or pork roasts (it is cheaper and better to
cut up a whole roast than to buy stew meat).

1 stillbirth, de-boned and cubed
Πcup vegetable oil
2 large onions
bell pepper
œ cup red wine
3 Irish potatoes
2 large carrots

This is a simple classic stew that makes natural gravy,
thus it does not have to be thickened.
Brown the meat quickly in very hot oil, remove and set aside.
Brown the onions, celery, pepper and garlic.
De-glaze with wine, return meat to the pan and season well.
Stew on low fire adding small amounts of water and
seasoning as necessary.
After at least half an hour, add the carrots and potatoes,
and simmer till root vegetables break with a fork.
Cook a fresh pot of long grained white rice.

Pre-mie Pot Pie

When working with prematurely delivered newborns (or chicken) use sherry;
red wine with beef (buy steak or roast, do not pre-boil).

Pie crust (see index)
Whole fresh pre-mie;
2004-12-25 21:45:12 UTC
need one for the top also).
Boil the prepared delicacy until the meat starts to come off the bones.
Remove, de-bone and cube; continue to reduce the broth.
Brown the onions, peppers and celery.
Add the meat then season, continue browning.
De-glaze with sherry, add the reduced broth.
Finally, put in the root vegetables and simmer for 15 minutes.
Allow to cool slightly.
Place the pie pan in 375 degree oven for a few minutes so bottom crust is not soggy,
reduce oven to 325.
Fill the pie with stew, place top crust and with a fork, seal the crusts together
then poke holes in top.
Return to oven and bake for 30 minutes, or until pie crust is golden brown.

Sudden Infant Death Soup

SIDS: delicious in winter, comparable to old fashioned Beef and Vegetable Soup.
Its free, you can sell the crib, baby clothes, toys, stroller... and so easy to
procure if such a lucky find is at hand (just pick him up from the crib and
he?s good to go)!

SIDS victim, cleaned
œ cup cooking oil
whole cabbage
fresh green beans
œ stick butter
1 cup cooked pasta (macaroni, shells, etc.)

Remove as much meat as possible, cube, and brown in hot oil.
Add a little water, season, then add the carcass.
Simmer for half an hour keeping the stock thick.
Remove the carcass and add the vegetables slowly to the stock,
so that it remains boiling the whole time.
Cover the pot and simmer till vegetables are tender
(2 hours approximately).
Continue seasoning to taste.
Before serving, add butter and pasta,
serve piping with hot bread and butter.

Offspring Rolls

Similar to Vietnamese style fried rolls, they have lots of meat
(of course this can consist of chicken, beef, pork, or shrimp).
Who can resist this clas
2004-12-25 22:04:44 UTC
celery, green onions, and parsley.
Place roast on top with fat side up.
Place uncovered in 500° oven for 20 minutes, reduce oven to 325°.
Bake till medium rare (150°) and let roast rest.
Pour stock over onions and drippings, carve the meat and
place the slices in the au jus.

Bisque à l?Enfant

Honor the memory of Grandma with this dish by utilizing her good
silver soup tureen and her great grandchildren (crawfish, crab or
lobster will work just as well, however this dish is classically
made with crawfish).

Stuffed infant heads, stuffed crawfish heads, stuffed crab or lobster shells;
make patties if shell or head is not available
(such as with packaged crawfish, crab, or headless baby).
bell peppers
garlic salt, pepper, etc.
3 cups chicken stock
2 sticks butter
3 tablespoons oil

First stuff the heads, or make the patties (see index)
then fry or bake.
Set aside to drain on paper towels.
Make a roux with butter, oil and flour,
brown vegetables in the roux, then add chicken stock and
allow to simmer for 20 minutes.
Add the patties or stuffed heads, and some loose crawfish,
lobster, long piglet, or what have
