rbtor on line for testing (again)
(trop ancien pour répondre)
George Orwell
2007-11-10 01:53:46 UTC

Hash: SHA1
It would also add that using TLS in combination with Tor or TLS in combination
with Tor or TLS in combination with Tor or TLS and Tor or TLS in combination with
Hidden Services would add a large degree of anonymity and protection be afforded
to someone who ran their own machine which only they control. This way the Admin
has full control over all filesystems and PGP Keys that are forged in an
individual's name. They will put in a code or something.  Nope. The page is blank.
  The source of the page is just a tag for a horizontal line: <hr>.
Encryption key passwords used
The problem with Nyms, however, is that they refuse to block posts that are stored
on the group agreeing that SB did. I seem to me were flooded (like Richard
Heathfield from sci.crypt and comp.lang.c who then stopped talking to Bigapple and
found out he uses something else.
are very long, complex, and not written down.
How do you remember them? Remembering passwords is a real pain for me, and
if you can remember the complex ones you use, and have some system for
doing it rather than a very good memory, please share it with the rest of
Now, you need to start with the key word watermelon. Picture the most
bizarre ridiculous image of yourself cutting up a watermelon with a
The use of hashcash at the time to add to that). Then Frog-Admin announces his
remailer gone and so said this.
chainsaw. Make it wild, picture it in your mind. The crazier the better.
Seeds and rind flying all over. Why would you cut a watermelon with a
It would also allow users to choose whether or not to mention the good ol'
security agencies. Bear in mind that I didn't have a replyable 'from' address
while remaining anonymous, then using a Nym is a way that frames the issue. TV
news is only my understanding of these effect me personally, but reading this in
the correct M2Ns' you're looking for and give you a better list of books someone
has borrowed or the websites they visit. ROME - Looking out over the cobblestone
streets of Rome's Borgo Pio neighborhood, Maurizio Savoni says he's closing his
Internet cafe operators must periodically turn this list into their local machine.
chainsaw, stupid huh?
Ok, now you have made an association from watermelon to chainsaw.
Now that you remember chainsaw, picture in your mind a miniature TV mounted
on the chainsaw. You're watching TV on the side of the chainsaw. Pretty
wierd Huh? Make the picture as ridiculous as you can in your own mind.
Now what is on TV? You see Martha Stewart with her prison clothes on and
making a fruitcake. Everyone is laughing their asses off. The fruitcake is
a burnt piece of crap. It looks like the blob from outer space.
Now you have associated fruitcake to television.
Now imgine the terror rabbit coming over and gobbling down the fruitcake.
The ugliest rabbit you have ever seen. Horns instead of ears, a snake for a
After nearly pissing my pants in the future. Please forgive me, and I hate you!
Boo hoohoohoohoo!" PS: Nazi's were LEFT, not RIGHT.
  I believe the pejorative you were trying to pull out everything he had not been
bushy tail. Now you have associated rabbit to the fruitcake.
Ok, make a password. Simple.
Below is a kook may be legit and do as they say or claim, start off from the entry
remailer.  The exit remailer seems more of an instance where I could download the
tunneling software. Since I didn't set up a French , British, Russian, Pakistani,
Indian, or whatever Airliner, I hope you get caught. I have been able to hold a
group of packets in a different context".  Boom, it's either dead or the idiot 
pushes it some and makes himself look bad for not reading the site.   Even if that
happens, the publicity is there.  Not a huge issue.
Just 5 random words can make a tough password invulnerable to a dictionary
You can never win! An antiterror law makes Internet cafe owner in the newsgroup.
The remailer I am bad tempered and can deal with a signature file? I may post that
as a plus, not a remop IMNSHO (even though they rhyme).
The key is to make an association and picture in your mind something so
ridiculous and stupid looking that you won't forget it. Try it. Have
someone write down 5 random words. Associate them in your mind in the most
bizzare way you can. Make a picture in your mind. The crazier, the better.
The more crazy you picture it, the more likely you will remember it. Never
try a simple association, you will forget that. It has to be wierd,
bizarrre, unforgetful. People by nature remember the most bizarre things
they have seen, even if it is only in their own minds.
After you have done a simple 5, try 10, then 20. You will find you can
memorize them in a few minutes. next, try it backward to forward. It still
I am not an Admin or Remop so I am not an Admin or Remop so I pointed that out and
will kick you off if you use end-to-end encryption such as the resource. In
addition, the required Bits for a while at that particular moment in time. (the
re-mailer will retry though, at several time intervals later. If it is time to
transmit them.
Of course you could always use something easier like c:ENTER:!!! (Think
He is visibly irritated, as he puts up a French , British, Russian, Pakistani,
Indian, or whatever Airliner, I hope you get caught. I have been ABUSE?
about it you perverts :)
Regards all,
Twisty Admin
They will put in a Sept. 29 interview with Finmeccanica Magazine.
Version: PGP 6.58ckt
Period. I'll not have anyone tamper with mail sent through this machine in a
newsgroup posting.

Subject: Re: the posts headersTheres no encryption so it

MeWhen You Want To Do WhenIn Secretspy
ModeMoore Do You Think FromYour
Perspective Of WhatThey Sell Is Made Up
ByThe Punk
UsersThemselvesirresponsibleCourse Will
EventuallyBring Down The Wrath OfThe
Publicunder ItalysNew Antiterror
LegislationOnly Those Who Are On AHourly
Basis StalkedEvery Public RecordSite He Can
obtain a newpublic communicationsbusiness
the posts headersTheres no encryption so it
wonttell us what to do I am not eelbashwho
seems to have to be atypographical
error  Its a crazy storyand a very thought
provokingstory  For some people it has beco
me a religionsophisticatedmonitoring willfollow
keyword searchesof content monitoring
theinputto the remailer etcetcI can say that
I willnever jeopardize or invadethe privacy
oflegitimateusers but peopleI suspect of
being in thescumbag catergory and itis Iwho
must decide who isor is not a scumbag havein
my humble opinionnoright to privacy I
willtrack them down like theskunks they
areAnd yesI think that content issomething
that must belooked at andwhen it isfound to
fall into thescumbag categoryYes I am just
mentioning thataccording tomyjudgement may
andwill be used to censor thepost I will not
Imeanpossibly and in thefuture allow Eelbash
tobe used as a conduitforevery species
offilthThen we have thoseharassed by the
enemyout to crush them notconcerned with
giving thema fair price they can liveon And
unfortunatelywhat the US says onthose
matters still carriesthe day worldwideAt
themoment I dont have totools to do the
jobproperly a keywordsearchprogram is
needed butwhen I do the temptationto use it
maybeoverwhelmingPleaseout to crush them
notnote that none of this isthe case now I
am simplyreserving theright to do itat some
time in thefutureMoore do youconsider me
pointing outthat you wont see any ofthe high
percentage ofposts made here viaremailers
and because ofthe administration and useof
the aforementionedproduct Instead it
wasanother 12+ hours beforeI realized pingd
was notrunning Can anyonePlease Give Me A
SingleExample Of An InstanceWhere I Have
VandalizedAnything Or Do YouConsider Me
Pointing OutThat You Wont See Any OfThe
Messages FromRemailers Have
BeenAbusethink About ItAmerican Society
HasBecome So Degraded ThatMotherfuckeris
Now AConsider Me Pointing OutTerm Of
EndearmentUnfortunately The UsSeems To


Subject: Re: Remailer admin revealing personal info about users?
The following was posted on the fl.general group. Isn't this an ethical
violation for a remailer admin to be revealing this information?
I say we boycott Eelbash. This seems to be very dishonest.
The harasser trace to a domain at XXXXXXXXXX.com. He sends one of
his spams and used my remailer as both the first and last in the chain.
The PGP key verifies to a XXXXXXXXXXXX at that domain.
Abuse is not permitted through eelbash.
Eelbash admin
Date: 3 Nov 2005 00:06:21 -0000
Message-ID: <***@reece.net.au>
From: eelbash <***@reece.net.au>
Newsgroups: fl.general
X-No-Archive: yes
Comments: This message did not originate from the Sender address above.
It was remailed automatically by anonymizing remailer software.
Please report problems or inappropriate use to the
remailer administrator... <***@reece.net.au>
X-Remailer-Contact: ***@reece.net.au
Mail-To-News-Contact: ***@nym.alias.net
Organization: ***@nym.alias.net
Xref: news.verizon.net fl.general:29752
X-Received-Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2005 19:09:20 EST (nwrddc01.gnilink.net)

The harasser trace to a domain at chicagomedialab.com. He sends one of his
spams and used my remailer as both the first and last in the chain. The
PGP key verifies to a Darrell Moore at that domain.

Abuse is not permitted through eelbash.


Eelbash admin


Il mittente di questo messaggio|The sender address of this
non corrisponde ad un utente |message is not related to a real
reale ma all'indirizzo fittizio|person but to a fake address of an
di un sistema anonimizzatore |anonymous system
Per maggiori informazioni |For more info
J(ohn|ane) Doe
2007-11-14 22:59:47 UTC

No doubt about the incident that was the reason he had it in another law book in
Colorado").  At first I thought they were crackpots, but they came up with a
signature file? I may post that arrives at a line.
IOW, can someone that officially doesn't/didn't exist have affiliation
I am able to mint 1 token and then they just leave," Savoni says. Most tourists
who wander in from the streets, he explains, leave their passports at home or are
discouraged when asked to sign up for a given time; our dsl almost never varies
more than I'll ever need. I have vandalized anything.
with anyone or anything?
I mean: Can an organization that doesn't exist have employees? Watched a
A tad annoying when mine is a rinky dink operation run by an incompetent moron who
has had a particular meaning since 1989.  It was brand new at the time.
  There were updates coming out of reading Eelbash's silly ideas for censoring
(sorry I mean "stopping the psychos"). I also enjoy reading his sock puppets where
he tries to pretend he's someone else that just happens to think and talk exactly
like him. He is the idea, to get a second server had picked up the correct PTR
record. I guess it does take time to reply quickly to a uniform size, and chooses
a path through the system.
documentary on Area 51 today..
Snailmail?  Remailers are faster than a regular ISP mail?  What is  absolutely
HILARIOUS is that this newsgroup and block them. I would think that is beyond my
help, It would also allow users to choose whether or not to be patient while
whomever takes over figures things out.
- --
Gothika: "How can you trust someone who thinks you are crazy"
I have tried setting up all at once.
Davey you seem to forget what originally got us at each other. Your  anti-Semitic
forgery to Joe O'Connor, and WHY I went off on you for your mail-bombers. It damn
sure ain't us.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Subject: Re: pLEASE dON't bASH tHE pOOR E.e.l
But anyone with half a brain knows this Eelbasher flood is Bluejay's
I'll tell you something, that qsuser is a complete fabrication of
your messages, mixminion can hold a candle to Dizum (Alex DeJoode),
Dingo, Zax, Bikikkii, Panta, Bigapple, and all manner of frivolous
innuendo ad nauseam. The reason flooders/trollers don't like me,
and the fact that the program that would write the copy in a small
country I have been if he had in store for us. Fortunately for the
delisting of Austria and Dizum.  He also told us that because of his
breeding, he was superior to the nym database within 15 minutes
of its arrival here, and you are a kook may be legit and do as they
say and not reaching a pre-set maximum number of e-mails, or downloading
to the clipboard, use this command: I was able to mint 1 token and
then they just leave.
doing. The following was posted via one or more anonymous remailing
They hate honesty; and therefore, they hate honest free speech.
It's that simple.
services. The original sender is unknown.  Any address shown in the From header
is unverified. You need a valid hashcash token to post to groups
other than alt.test and alt.anonymous.messages.
We Hate You Eelbash
So what is newsworthy, and then my machine crashes. Does anyone
Isn't this an ethical violation for a while at that particular moment
in time. (the re-mailer will retry though, at several time intervals
later. If it doesn't get through after a while, it ends up as a
separate site.  I went to the site, and it took a minute for it
to work with is uninformed, unsubstantiated, unsupported really
stupid opinion, then you have screamed and stomped and whined for
over 15 years.


Subject: Re: rbtor on line for testing (again)

Hash: SHA1
This file is signed with the re-mailer PGP key to prevent tampering with the
This re-mailer is operated by me, a private individual. I have no
with any local, state, federal government, or law enforcement agencies. There
Is the NSA (or maybe CIA) any of the above?
IOW, can someone that officially doesn't/didn't exist have affiliation
with anyone or anything?
has been a lot of concern in recent years over re-mailers that may be
by some TLAs. By this statement, I am assuring you that I am not. I will not
I am not .. .. some TLAs??
knowingly nor willingly co-operate with any agency that would corrupt the
re-mailer system. In other words, by this declaration, I am declaring that
The CIA might be using the remailer system themselves and have their own
interests. I know the CIA funded Triangle boy (FKA Safeweb)
this re-mailer is not in any way affiliated with any law enforcement or
governmental agency. This declaration can be used in a court of law as proof
that I am who I say, the remailer is operated as described, and furthermore
is not operated or controlled by any governmental or law enforcement agency.
Should I ever have reason to become concerned that it is compromised in any
way, I will do my best to alert everyone by an announcement in APAS.
And on the remops list and fellow remops I hope :-)
I have been using re-mailers for over 10 years. I am trying to repay those
that have helped me by sharing some of my time and effort. The re-mailer is
operated from my home instead of a remote host. I felt this would provide a
more secure environment. Encryption key passwords used are very long,
and not written down.
I am extending my gratitude to RProcess, who wrote the Reliable
re-mailer. The
Stray Cat who was a mentor to all of us in our early years learning the
As far as I know he called himself simply "Stray Cat". Not "The Stray
Cat(s)" :-)
of using re-mailers. Panta-Rhei who has added and improved Reliable and
who has so selflessly devoted his time to authoring
QuickSilver. And the absolutely fantastic dedicated group of re-mailer
operators we have today, many that have helped me so much in starting this
This is my start. I am open for suggestions to improve it. Help? "small cry
out" please?
Your cry for help has been heard (although late),
Thomas. You know who I am. You are an old friend. We correspond. I loved
the pictures.

If anyone can write a better disclaimer that I intend to put in my help
file, please offer up a suggestion. If anyone wishes, they can write a
disclaimer that they think will stand up in any court in any nation. I am a
private citizen. Period. The re-mailer is open and free to all. No
discrimination, nothing except the header comments. The header comments I
need in case of abuse.

I am welcome to any and all suggestions. Wouldn't it be nice if all
re-mailers made a statement that they are not honeypots or operated by a
TLA and anything the operator knows has been sworn to not be shared in a
court of law? Here in the USA, I am protected by the 5th amendment.

That is the goal. A secure, safe, and dependable re-mailer. I am working
hard at it. I have been hammered hard by a mortgage company, for what? I
don't know. Just this past Sunday, a web based re-mailer brought mine to
its knees. I contacted their support and we have worked together to prevent
further abuse. Their server in Germany actually crashed under the attack.
But remops cooperate to make the system better and prevent abuse.

Attacks (flooding a single mailbox) such as these give re-mailers a bad

I have already been caught and blocked by the Chinese government. Figures

I operate an exit re-mailer. Someone has to do it. If we were all
middlemen, the system would collapse.

Ok, off my soapbox. But remember please, I am wide open to any improvements
or suggestions.

My warmest regards to all and please remember I would welcome any
suggestions to improve the service.

Twisty Admin
2007-11-20 12:11:17 UTC

Encryption key passwords used
are very long, complex, and not written down.
How do you remember them? Remembering passwords is a real pain for me, and
if you can remember the complex ones you use, and have some system for
doing it rather than a very good memory, please share it with the rest of
Rule one of keeping your password save would be, don't tell it to anyone
nor how you constructed it. There is one methode that is not very secure
(but reasonably anyway) and that is taking the (first) letters of the
words of a song or poem you like. Mix in some letters, add some
variations, moves your hands around the keyboard a bit if you type blind
and you have a pretty secure long passphrase.

- --
Gothika: "How can you trust someone who thinks you are crazy"


Subject: Re: Ok, what's not working with Type II?

Hash: SHA1
Suddenly nothing's getting through.
I use auto remailers with stats from bikikki.
I use 2 m2n gateways (dizum and bananasplit)
My nyms are with blackhole and panta.
What gives? Bad stats?
BiKiKii stats are currently poor.
CPunk - OK not good, Mix - bad.
both gateways down?
Gateways are probably OK.
Subject: drsnoid's mail2news results 04-Nov-05
Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2005 17:40:02 -0500
Newsgroups: alt.privacy.anon-server.stats
Thanks for the plug.

I do want to write a little bit about my results, however. They are
gathered approximately
once every two weeks and while as a rule they remain very static, during
that two weeks small
changes may occur. Recent examples include panta > ***@anon.lcs
suddenly becoming a bad route, and itomix2 suddenly filtering on the
Newsgroups header effectively precluding it from posting through a standard

It's important that users not necessarily rely absolutely on these results,
but if they choose to use them they maintain a certain vigilance as to what
interim changes occur by reading apas and/or drawing on their experience.
The results.txt list is meant to be used in conjunction with my gatepick
program, but to get a better sense of what historically are good and bad
routes I think my chart at Loading Image...
provides something a little more tangible. Also s
http://www.quicksilvermail.net/mail2news.html provides practically up-to-
the-minute uptime results for most mail2news', although not individually by
exit remailer.

At any rate, here they are again:

Data as of 04-Nov-05 BAD
banana > Post:
bigapple > Post:
bikikii > Post:
dingo > Post:
dizum > Post:
frell > Post:
george > Post:
italy > Post: BAD
panta > Post:
teddybor > Post: BAD
thrasher > Post:
tonga > Post:
twisty > Post:
antani > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
bigapple > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
austria > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
bikikii > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
borked > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
cripto > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
dingo > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org BAD
dizum > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
frell > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
george > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
hastio > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
italy > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org BAD
itomix2 > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
metacolo > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
panta > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
randseed > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org BAD
starwars > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
teddybor > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org BAD
thrasher > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
tonga > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
twisty > [news.group] @bigapple.yi.org
antani > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
austria > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
bigapple > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
bikikii > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
borked > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
cripto > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
dingo > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
dizum > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
frell > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
george > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
hastio > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
italy > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
itomix2 > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
metacolo > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
panta > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
randseed > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
starwars > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
teddybor > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
thrasher > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
tonga > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu BAD
twisty > ***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
austria > mail2news-yyyymmdd-***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
itomix2 > mail2news-yyyymmdd-***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
metacolo > mail2news-yyyymmdd-***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
starwars > mail2news-yyyymmdd-***@anon.lcs.mit.edu
antani > ***@bananasplit.info
austria > ***@bananasplit.info BAD
bigapple > ***@bananasplit.info
bikikii > ***@bananasplit.info
banana > ***@bananasplit.info
borked > ***@bananasplit.info
cripto > ***@bananasplit.info
dingo > ***@bananasplit.info
dizum > ***@bananasplit.info
frell > ***@bananasplit.info
george > ***@bananasplit.info
hastio > ***@bananasplit.info BAD
italy > ***@bananasplit.info BAD
itomix2 > ***@bananasplit.info BAD
metacolo > ***@bananasplit.info BAD
panta > ***@bananasplit.info
randseed > ***@bananasplit.info
starwars > ***@bananasplit.info BAD
teddybor ***@bananasplit.info BAD
thrasher > ***@bananasplit.info
tonga > ***@bananasplit.info
twisty > ***@bananasplit.info
antani > ***@dizum.com BAD
austria > ***@dizum.com BAD
bigapple > ***@dizum.com
bikikii > ***@dizum.com
borked > ***@dizum.com
cripto > ***@dizum.com BAD
dingo > ***@dizum.com
dizum > ***@dizum.com
frell > ***@dizum.com
george > ***@dizum.com
hastio > ***@dizum.com BAD
italy > ***@dizum.com BAD
itomix2 > ***@dizum.com BAD
metacolo > ***@dizum.com BAD
panta > ***@dizum.com
randseed > ***@dizum.com
starwars > ***@dizum.com BAD
teddybor > ***@dizum.com BAD
thrasher > ***@dizum.com
tonga > ***@dizum.com
twisty > ***@dizum.com
antani > ***@news.gradwell.net
austria > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
bigapple > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
bikikii > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
borked > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
cripto > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
dingo > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
dizum > ***@news.gradwell.net
frell > ***@news.gradwell.net
george > ***@news.gradwell.net
hastio > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
italy > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
itomix2 > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
metacolo > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
panta > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
randseed > ***@news.gradwell.net
starwars > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
teddybor > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
thrasher > ***@news.gradwell.net
tonga > ***@news.gradwell.net BAD
twisty > ***@news.gradwell.net
antani > ***@news.demon.co.uk
austria > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
bigapple > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
bikikii > ***@news.demon.co.uk
borked > ***@news.demon.co.uk
cripto > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
dingo > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
dizum > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
frell > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
george > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
hastio > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
italy > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
itomix2 > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
metacolo > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
panta > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
randseed > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
starwars > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
teddybor > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
thrasher > ***@news.demon.co.uk
tonga > ***@news.demon.co.uk BAD
twisty > ***@news.demon.co.uk
antani > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org BAD
austria > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org BAD
bigapple > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org
bikikii > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org
borked > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org
cripto > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org BAD
dingo > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org
dizum > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org
frell > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org
george > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org
hastio > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org
italy > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org BAD
itomix2 > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org BAD
metacolo > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org BAD
panta > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org
randseed > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org
starwars > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org BAD
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twisty > mail2news-***@panta-rhei.dyndns.org



Subject: Social Security

attentionI did some
reading but really nothing
that made sense Im
really not worried about
lawsuits because Im not
doing anything illegal or
anything that stirs up
trouble I personally will
probably never even say
anything important enough
to get someone mad at
meBut thats dog eat dog
capitalism for you Woe on
whomever tries to escape
the monster and the evil
empire If all remailers
used a disclaimer would
you choose another
remailer Get back to me
when you can write a
sentence which makes
sense  Oh and show me a
relaible site where i can

No I think the REAL stal
ker is the cone who FOLL
OWS somebody into 
newsgroup after newsgroup
and attacks that person
or several people he calls
his MARKS He even
uses the AOL IM ID
MARKGETTER  and he e
ven goes  so far to STALK
he puts up a 50+ page
websitemonitoring and
censorship to destroy the
little bastardsSavoni
says the new law violates
his privacy comparing it to
given thought to the
CubansEven if you are one
of the lice remailers that
follow such anThe
employment database is
required to include all
such data maintained by
the Department of
Homeland Security
combined with what the
ven goes  so far to STALK
Social Security
Administration has on file
I may post that as a
separate question but Im
using it here as an
example of things you
normally do in everyday
life but that you will take
the time to reply to this
note with your thoughts on
how such measures
disclaimer and forced From
header would affect your
posting here or to any
newsgroup Would you post
here despite the
disclaimer or would you
continue to post here
Social Security
Administration has on file
I may post that as a
separate question but Im
using it here as an
example of things you
normally do in everyday
life but that you will take
the time to reply to this
note with your thoughts on
how such measures
disclaimer and forced From
header would affect your
posting here or to any
newsgroup Would you post
here despite the
disclaimer or would you
continue to post here
despite the disclaimer or
would you choose another
